Door Closers

Door Closers

Door Closers

Required by Code, hoistway Door Closers are a primary component in a system provided to assure passenger safety by automatically shutting elevator doors whenever the car leaves a landing. Due to continuous door use and system mechanical stresses, the vast majority of all service calls, and the largest source of repair expense, can be attributed to door malfunction. GAL provides spring closers for Single Speed (SS), Two-Speed (2SP) and Center Parting (C) Doors. Reel closers are also available for Single Speed (SS) and Center Parting (CP) Doors.


Installation/Assembly Manuals

Spring Closer for Single Speed (SS) and Center Parting (CP) Door
Spring Closer for Two-Speed (2S), Two-Speed Center Parting (2SCP) Door
Spring Closer for Two-Speed (2S) Large Opening Door
Reel Closer for Single Speed (SS) Door
Reel Closer for Two-Speed Center Parting (2SCP) Door

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